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What We Believe

Doctrine Matters.

Not all churches are the same.  Sadly, some have corrupted God’s Word and teach sincere people falsehoods in God’s name.

You should judge a church by its faithfulness to God’s Word and emphasis on living like Jesus.

At Bright Way Baptist Church, we strive to teach the Bible as God originally intended.  We show you the verses in the Bible, explain what they mean, and show you how to apply them to your life.

Here's What We Believe...

We believe in the verbal, plenary (full, entire, and complete) inspiration and preservation of the scriptures, which are the final authority in all matters of faith and practice. We use the King James Bible exclusively. 

We Believe in the virgin birth, the deity of Jesus Christ, His blood atonement, His death, burial, and bodily resurrection, His literal ascension, and His pre-millennial return. 

We believe in the ordinances of scriptural baptism by immersion following salvation, and in the observances of the Lord’s Supper. 

We believe in the pre-tribulation rapture of the saints, salvation by grace through faith, the eternal security of the believer, missions, and the local, independent church. 

Bright Way Baptist Church
23 Gail Drive

Cattaraugus, NY 14719

Church: 716-291-0966

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